Fun Tooth Fairy Ideas

Coming up with fun tooth fairy ideas can give your child memories that will last them a lifetime. Also, when you get your child excited about impressing the tooth fairy, you'll find it can get them excited about taking better care of their teeth as well. Below you'll learn some creative ways to make the tooth fairy more entertaining and memorable for your child.

Open a line of communication between your child and the tooth fairy

One way you can make the tooth fairy more exciting for your child is to give them a way to communicate with the tooth fairy. This also allows you to use the tooth fairy to convince your child they need to be more mindful of their tooth care.

You can get your child a journal and tell them they need to check it weekly in case the tooth fairy left them a message. They can also use it to ask the tooth fairy questions if they want. When you want to give your child encouragement or just have a little fun, you can leave a message in tiny writing.

You can also give your child a small satchel to hang in their room, and let them know the tooth fairy will communicate with them once in a while by leaving notes for them inside of it. When you decide to leave a note from the tooth fairy, write it on a tiny piece of paper in small writing and make sure some of the note sticks out so they see it's there.

Leave extra traces of the tooth fairy

You can have a lot of fun with the tooth fairy by leaving extra traces of her visit for your child to find when they wake up the morning after they leave their tooth under their pillow. You can put some glitter (fairy dust) on the window sill and leading to your child's bed. You can also leave a tiny note rolled up into a scroll and tied with dental floss along with your child's reward.

Give your child dental education through the tooth fairy

If your child is going to need to have a procedure done, such as having braces put on, you can have the tooth fairy leave them information to help them feel better. When the information comes from the tooth fairy, your child may take it a little more serious and this can help them not worry so much about a trip to the orthodontist.
