Plan To Quit Using Snuff? Repair Your Damaged Teeth And Gums With Cosmetic Dentistry

If you plan to quit using snuff or some other form of chewing tobacco in the future and have numerous dental problems in your mouth, ask a cosmetic dentist to evaluate and treat your teeth. Chewing tobacco or smokeless tobacco contains thousands of chemicals that stain the surfaces of your teeth and gums. Many of these chemicals can permanently discolor your teeth if you don't do something about it now. Here are things to know about chewing tobacco's effects on your teeth and what a cosmetic dentist can do to help you.

How Bad Is Chewing Tobacco for Your Teeth?

Although smokeless tobacco contains fewer chemicals than cigarettes, it's still dangerous for your oral health. In order to absorb the tobacco inside snuff, you park or place it between your cheek and teeth, or you let it rest between your bottom teeth and lower lip. In most cases, the snuff sits in place for long periods of time before you remove it. 

As the tobacco and chemicals penetrate your soft tissues and blood stream, they leave behind a tarry, sticky residue that coats the surfaces of your teeth enamel. Over time, the coating turns your teeth yellow, brown and eventually black.

Your gums and tongue also change from a healthy pink color to dark brown and black. The surfaces of your teeth wear down, which exposes the delicate nerves and blood vessels inside the pulp tissues of your teeth crowns. If your gums recede, you develop infections inside them, such as gingivitis and necrotizing periodontal disease.

So, how do you treat or stop the destruction happening inside your mouth? You see a cosmetic dentist for care.

What Types of Cosmetic Dental Treatments Work for You?

Your cosmetic dentist offers many options for removing the stains from your teeth and damages in your gum tissue. The most important thing to do first is quit using smokeless tobacco right away. If you haven't completely quit yet, do so immediately before you begin your dental treatment. If you don't, it interferes with the success of your treatments. 

Next, your dentist evaluates the condition of your teeth and gums to see how much damage they sustained from the snuff. If you have gum disease, the dentist needs to treat it before moving forward with your other treatments. Laser gum treatment is one of the best cosmetic dental options for repairing damaged gum tissue.

Finally, the cosmetic dentist removes the stains from your enamel with tooth whiteners. If the whiteners can't remove all of the dark stains from your teeth, the dentist can apply porcelain veneers over them. The veneers also strengthen your weakened tooth enamel.

After the dentist repairs the damages in your mouth, use an electronic water flosser to keep your teeth and gums healthy. The flosser gently washes away stains from your tooth enamel and gums.

If you want to know more about your cosmetic dental options after quitting chewing tobacco, contact a dentist like David Jackson, DDS
