Protecting Your Hearing When You Are In A Band

If you have just been accepted as a new rock band member, you are most likely excited to get out on stage and put on a performance others will appreciate. While you are reveling in your new role, you need to do your best to protect your ears so you do not suffer from hearing loss. Entertainers who regularly put on shows using amplified equipment can easily suffer from hearing loss if proper precautions are not taken. Here are some ways you can help keep your hearing intact while performing in a band.

Place Speakers Appropriately

When you perform, the placement of your speakers can have a huge impact on the amount of noise you will endure during your performance. Many rock band members enjoy being in front of the speakers so they are able to hear themselves as they play their instruments. However, this is the best way to put yourself at risk. Placing your speakers slightly in front of where you are positioned on stage will keep noise directed away from yourself, saving your hearing as a result. Many bands have to practice using this format so they can get used to listening for cues from other instruments at a lower volume.

Get Everyone Involved

Voice your concern over the noise level your band uses when playing to other members within the band. Get everyone gets on board in taking steps to keep themselves safe from hearing loss so you can look out for each other during performances. Alert the sound control operator to keep the volume at a certain level. If the crowd gets into the performance and levels escalate, have the sound control operator alert your band members so you can do a quick set list change to switch to a mellower, quieter song.

Take Additional Steps

Even with sound control and speaker placement, noise levels can still be excessive without proper hearing protection. According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, noise with a decibel level over 85 can cause hearing loss. In many cases, rock bands play at a level over 100dB

Wear earplugs or noise muffling headphones while performing to help protect your hearing even further. If you are concerned about your appearance, opt for earplugs. You can purchase skin-colored earplugs to mask them from view of spectators. If you would rather wear earmuff-type hearing protection, a hat or bandana can help hide them from view.

Enjoy After Your Performance

Alcohol is often present in concert settings, but it should be avoided until your performance has been completed. If you partake in alcoholic beverages before or during your performance, you put your hearing at risk as your perception of sound can be altered. Rather than take this risk, wait until after you have performed to celebrate.

If you ever have trouble with your hearing, be sure to seek treatment from a center like Hearing Specialists of DuPage sooner rather than later.
