Can You Naturally Tighten Your Breasts?

As women age, their breasts naturally tend to sag and droop. Age isn't the only issue, however. Your breasts can become saggy after pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as after losing a significant amount of weight. If you also have rather large breasts, gravity alone can cause the problem. Since the United States has a very breast-conscious culture, living with unattractive breasts can be difficult. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can address this issue.


Make no mistake: if your breasts have migrated toward your equator, exercise will not cure the problem. However, some exercises will help firm up your breasts and help improve their appearance. When you work on your pectoral muscles, those muscles that are directly behind your breasts, the newly toned muscles can push your breast tissue out and lift it a bit. Experts say that simple strength-training exercises, including the old tried and true push-up, can do the trick. Using small hand weights can be effective as well. Remember, exercise can tighten and lift a bit, but once the breast tissue and skin are really stretched out, you'll need the help of a plastic surgeon.


A breast lift may be the best answer to your problem. When a surgeon performs this procedure, they will make an incision around your nipple and down to the crease under your breast. They will then remove excess skin and reshape the tissue. Your nipple will be moved up higher, to where it was when you were younger. If the tops of your breasts are still flat, the doctor can use implants to make them look fuller. This procedure is a major surgery that requires general anesthesia. It will  not be covered by insurance unless you can prove it was medically necessary, which is unlikely. As a result, you will be paying a significant amount of money out of pocket, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $5,000. However, for many women who are self-conscious about their breasts, the cost is worth it.

If your breasts are saggy, and you don't want to settle for wearing a heavy-duty support bra the rest of your life, you can take measures to improve your situation. You can try exercise, but if you have significantly stretched skin and breast tissue, a breast lift is probably what you really need. Consult with a plastic surgeon such as John Gatti MD to find out what procedures will help you get the shape and size of breasts you want.
