How to Prevent Kidney Stones

A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline material that forms either in the kidney or the urinary tract. Because it can form in the urinary tract, it is a phenomenon that is of concern to urologists, and you may need to see one. After you have passed a kidney stone, there are several things you can do to prevent another one from forming.

Stay Hydrated

The most common cause of a kidney stone is a lack of water. Water is necessary to dilute the uric acid found in urine. Too much uric acid creates an acidic environment that is conducive to the growth of kidney stones. Also, what you drink is important. Sports drinks and tea can increase the chances that a patient will form kidney stones.

Don't Take Too Much Vitamin D

Some kidney stones are calcium stones that are the result of an excessively high amount of vitamin D in one's diet. While some vitamin D is necessary, those who take too many vitamin D supplements may be more prone to develop calcium kidney stones.

Limit Your Sodium Intake

A diet high in sodium can lead to your body developing kidney stones. It is difficult to avoid a diet high in sodium if you are often eating out. Even when you cook at home, try to use ingredients that are low in sodium.

Don't Sweat It

Less urine production, as a result of excessive sweating, can lead to kidney stones. For example, if you spend too much time in a sauna and visit a sauna too frequently, you may increase your risk of developing kidney stones. Excessive sweating causes mineral deposits to form in your urinary tract.

Treat Underlying Conditions That Cause Kidney Stones

There are many medical conditions that can increase the chances that a patient will suffer from kidney stones. These include:

  • Chron's Disease
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Dent's disease

Treating these conditions will reduce the number of kidney stones that you may experience.

One of the best ways to avoid kidney stones is to visit a urologist. He or she will listen to information that you provide about your lifestyle and will use this to determine what changes you should make to reduce the chances that you will suffer from a kidney stone. Passing a kidney stone is a very painful event, and it is often not the last time that an individual will pass a kidney stone. Talk to a urologist like those at Advanced Urology Associates for more prevention tips.
