These Tips Can Help Make Snoring Surgery More Successful

If your doctor has found out exactly what's causing your snoring, you may be considering surgery for the cause. For example, if you have a droopy soft palate, which is flopping down into your airway when you lie down to sleep, your doctor might have suggested removing a tiny bit to keep the airway open. However, obstructions that cause snoring can have multiple causes themselves, meaning that even if the surgery takes care of this one cause, another could soon pop up. Because some of these causes don't have to be permanent, you can follow these tips now to ward off those other causes, and to make the snoring surgery more of a long-term success.

Sleeping Position and Pillow

If you sleep with your head and neck twisted into a strange position, you risk cutting off your airflow or having tissue in your mouth and throat suddenly drop into the path of the flow of air. In other words, just sleeping in a weird position can bring back the snoring. Double-check your pillow. Ensure it's one that lets you sleep comfortably and that doesn't force your head into odd positions when you roll over. For example, side-sleeper pillows are often very firm, and if you roll over while using one, you may find your head pushed forward uncomfortably.

Check for Allergens

Allergies can cause congestion, which can also bring about snoring. Keep your home clean and give your mattress a good cleaning to get rid of dust mites. Wash sheets often and keep your windows closed when pollen counts are high. If you have pets, double-check that you are not developing an allergy to them if you feel a little more stuffy around them. It is possible to develop an allergy to something you've been near for years without a problem.

Do What You Can to Lose Weight if Needed

If you are overweight, this could also bring about snoring. Basically, the weight of your body can put pressure on your chest and throat when you lie down, creating a partial obstruction in your airway. If you are very overweight, it would be good to try to lose some of the weight. If you are only slightly overweight, though, talk to your doctor first. And of course if you're not overweight, do not try to become underweight.

An ENT specialist can help you work out which potential temporary causes of snoring might be more likely to occur given your life and situation. If you don't have to worry about allergies or other factors like that, the results of the snoring surgery should be a relief.
