How Dermatology Compounds Benefit Models With Lichen Planus

Models need to have perfect skin in order to get gigs and make money. However, lichen planus may affect their skin and cause a variety of serious imperfections. Managing this problem requires getting specialized dermatology compounds for the skin.

The Problems With Lichen Planus

Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease that affects the skin, scalp, and nails. It can also affect mucus membranes and cause severe lesions on the skin. For a model, these lesions can be problematic because it can cost them gigs. For example, if they end up on a face model's mouth, most booking agencies will turn them away. For an underwear model, lesions on the legs and stomach will be similarly unattractive.

The problem with this disease is that it can last for years and recur if it isn't carefully managed. Typically, it is treated using topical corticosteroids. However, there are also many types of dermatology compounds that can be added to the skin and manage this problematic condition.

Compounds May Help

Dermatology compounds are a mix of various medicines that are designed to treat a variety of skin diseases. Compound pharmacies identify the nature of the skin disease affecting the model, find medicines that will manage the problem, and mix them in a safe and balanced way.

As a result, the model gets one of the highest concentration of high-quality skin treatment methods in the world. Applying them regularly is likely to decrease the appearance of their lichen planus lesions and help them get better gigs.

What Goes In Dermatology Compounds

Any model suffering from lichen planus needs to understand what goes into a dermatology compound. While these items are their best bet for recovering from this condition, there is a chance it may have something in it that harms their skin. Typically, these types of compound come in topical form and include anesthetics, anti-inflammatory items, antifungals, and even chemical peels.

Typical items that go into one of these compounds include hydroquinone, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, hydrocortisone, and other healing medical items. Each is carefully selected to treat one or more symptoms of this condition. By the time the model has finished with their treatment, their lichen planus should have disappeared completely.

However, if their compound isn't 100 percent effective, they should talk to their doctor right away. They may be able to find a more effective treatment method that will work for their skin. In this way, a model can stay on track in their career and avoid losing gigs.

Contact a company like Camelback Compounding Pharmacy for more information and assistance.
