What To Expect From Umbilical Hernia Surgery

Umbilical hernias can develop when you're pregnant, or when you strain your abs during a workout. Some are so small and mild they may never require treatment, but others do require surgical repair. If your doctor has referred you to a gastroenterology surgeon to have your umbilical hernia repaired, here's a look at what you can expect.

Prepping for Surgery

Although the process of repairing an umbilical hernia is a lot simpler than many GI surgeries, it is still an abdominal surgery, and as such, it will be performed under general anesthesia. The required preparatory steps reflect this. You'll be told not to eat or drink for a certain period before the surgery. You may also need to stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinners or birth control pills, prior to the surgery.

Undergoing Surgery

Once you are under anesthesia, your surgeon will make a small incision just beneath your belly button. Through this incision, they will apply pressure to the part of your intestine that has been protruding into the hernia. Once the hernia is back inside your abdomen where it belongs, they will use a special type of surgical mesh to reinforce the area so the intestine cannot pop through again. Then, they will suture the incision closed. The whole process usually takes just under a half-hour.


Depending on the time of day your surgery was scheduled for, you might be able to go home the same day. Or, you may need to stay in the hospital for one night. This is just so your doctor can observe you and ensure all is well after the surgery.

Your abdominal area will feel sore once the anesthetic wears off, but you'll be given pain relievers to help manage this discomfort. You might also be told to take antibiotics for a few days to ward off any potential infection. There will be a bandage over the surgical area, which your nurse should show you how to change.

Most people only need to take two or three days off from work after umbilical hernia surgery, but if you have a physical job, you may need a bit longer. Your doctor will probably have you wait about a month before exercising again. You can generally resume your normal diet as soon as you return home. You may, however, want to take stool softeners to minimize straining in the bathroom while your abdomen is still healing.

Surgery to repair an umbilical hernia is often pretty minor. Talk to a local gastroenterologist surgeon if you have any additional questions.
