Unveiling The Process Of Immigration Physical Examinations

If you or somebody you love plans to immigrate to the United States, you should familiarize yourself with USCIS physicals or immigration physical exams. 

While an immigration physical exam can be stressful, knowing what to expect can help you feel more relaxed with this experience.

Before the Exam

In order to prepare for a USCIS physical, you should first make an appointment with a provider authorized to provide these exams. You'll also want to ask about what kind of documentation you should bring to your appointment.

It is essential that immigrants bring valid and current government-issued identification, passport, and proof of payment for the exam. Depending on your specific situation, you may need to bring additional documents.

During Check-In

When you go to your appointment, you'll be required to fill out a form containing your personal information and medical history. You'll check in and provide information about your identity and immigration status.

The provider will also ask for a medical history assessment, which requires that you complete a variety of forms about your current and previous health conditions. You'll also disclose any medications and vaccinations you've had recently.

During the Physical Exam

During the physical exam, you'll be asked to provide a urine sample and have your blood pressure, height, and weight taken. They'll take your temperature as well.

The doctor will also assess your vision, eyesight, hearing, lungs, abdomen, nervous system, skin, lymph nodes, and heart. Depending on your age, you may also need to have a chest X-ray.

The doctor may order lab tests and screenings to check for other conditions. For example, the provider may request blood tests for infectious diseases like tuberculosis and HIV. They may also administer screenings for pregnancy and verify your immunization status.

You may also undergo a mental health assessment, during which a doctor or mental health provider will ask you questions related to depression, anxiety, and other mental conditions.

After the Exam

Once the USCIS physical is complete, the doctor will provide the necessary forms for you and your attorney. This form details the results of your medical exam, including any tests and screenings relevant to your immigration process.

Schedule Your Immigration Physical Exam ASAP

Going through an immigration physical exam can be a stressful experience, but knowing what to expect can help you feel more prepared. Make sure to look for a provider to learn more about immigration physicals and make your appointment quickly to speed up the process.
